
If you would like to contact me privately, just leave a message on any Blog Post, and I will get back to you.

18 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hi Paul

    I am a journalist for Screen Africa Magazine and have the following films under your production in our Production Updates section:

    In Production:

    Paul Myburgh Film
    Prod: Paul Myburgh

    I have recently taken over this segment of our magazine and wanted to check that these details are correct and in the correct stage of production category, as I have found some of our productions are not up to date.

    If there are any further productions that you would like to make us aware of, please send me an email with the following details:

    Required information:

    Any additional information can be sent as well, but will only be included on the website listing.

    Thanks very much


  2. Pingback: Walking with Paul the Bushman

  3. Hello Paul,
    I was very satisfied when I found your website and interview. I have lived three months with Shawi tribe in rainforest in Peru and have a similar experience. I studied natural medicine here.

    I decided to write You according to news about High Botswana Court which decided to throw out
    Kalahari Bushmen people requets to have a free entrance to their land – Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR).
    I would like to ask You what do You think would help these people.
    I have a serious idea for two options, please write me what do You think about it.

    With greetings

    Pavel Chmátal, Czech republic

    • Greetings Pavel. This is an ongoing battle and there are only two solutions, consciousness and/or money. The consciousness Soul evolves slowly into modern humanity, and while we are working towards this we can only solve these problems with well spent money regulated by the hands and minds of conscious people. You are welcome to share your ideas with me on email: paul

  4. Hi Paul – just finished reading your incredible book The Bushman WInter Has Come and would very much like to get my hands on your documentary The Great Sand Face. I have searched high and low on the internet to buy it without success. Can you point me to a place where I ight be able to buy it? Many thanks!

  5. Dear Paul,
    I’m an Italian journalist who had the chance to visit South Africa and Drakensberg area in the past days, where I was interested in collecting more information about San rock art and bushmen’ traditions. Unfortunately Italy still knows a few about this incredible heritage and I would like to open a qualified window on it through an interview with you. I’m also reading your touching book “The bushman winter has come” and I hope it will be translated in Italian soon. If you have time, I’ll be happy to send you some questions to understand better the links between San rock art and Bushmen life-style. Thanking you for your kind attention and your very precious contribute to the acknowledge about our origins. My best regards. Alberto

  6. Thank You for Your Being.
    It resonates the Purity found nowhere else.
    By Your Bridging it becomes accesable Here.

  7. Hi Paul

    I have searched high and low for your doccie “The Last of the Sandface” but I can not find in anywhere! Where can I find it?



  8. Hi Paul, I recently heard you talk under candlelight about your experiences living with the Bushman and met you briefly afterwards. You provoked in me an emergent awakening to the real concept that we are our ancestors, that the threads of culture of the old people are still alive deep within us, within me. Im reading ‘The Bushman Winter Has Come” at the moment and am loving the soulful way in which you write and relay your experiences, a refreshing alternative to the academia perspectives. I would very much like the opportunity to meet/speak with you regarding 1. A possible interview of sorts, 2. A personal request for a consultation. Regards Colin

  9. Dear Paul,
    My deepest gratitude for sharing your Self, time and words at the CDRA today. So many things spoke to my soul and brought tears to my eyes hearing truth spoken like that.

    One aspect you touched on brought me a sense of wonder to hear words explaining what I’ve despaired for years no one would understand.
    I spoke to you afterwards about the consequences of unknowingly leaving space open in oneself due to holotropic plant use and the tainting that can happen in those realms. That a part of oneself gets lost, something else comes in and the resulting sense of derailment and concern at how this “infects” those in my space and surrounding life.
    I’m writing to continue the conversation and ask for guidance on what work I can do to tie off these loose ends and either reclaim what left, clear what came in or reconcile what has happened.

    I so look forward to further conversations in Cape Town.
    With love, Jess

  10. Paul John – – this will inevitably come as somewhat of a surprise to you – but, as will emerge, we have “something” in common : ….. an abiding interest in “Bushmen” – or Masarwa as they were disparagingly known as, in “my” day !!

    I am an ageing geologist (80) – one of the first in the Bamangwato Concessions” team of 1959 based east of Nata, near Mosetse. In the course of our exploration I was privileged to have a number of “masarwa” (!Gwi) in my team – one of which had worked on the J’hbg Gold Mines where he had learnt to speak “Fana-ka-lo” =- a bastardised Zulu, which I spoke fluently. We were able to con – verse therefore on fairly complex level – and he became my interpreter-guide-and confidant for the years of my residence in that territory (still relatively unspoilt and wild at that time)
    Your book of “Their Winter” both touched my heart and reinforced/granted insights carried within me since that “remote” time – and urged my making “contact” with a kindred spirit – albeit whose knowledge of those remarkable people is on a far deeper level than my superficial brush amongst them.
    I now reside on a small farm in the Karoo (Prince Albert district) no longer able to range through prospects scattered throughout Africa; and part-blind, reading with difficulty. My wife is an ex-BPI Lecturer and colleague of Ron Clarke – common-ground enough for you to realise some of our shared interests – which IF you care to expand this arbitrary contact, may lead to stimulating exchanges ?
    On that note let me desist and maybe “hope”. Sincerely “Edward John” (BEGG)

    • Alice . . . I too was wondering. I am strong and clear. Distressed by humanities ignorant response to the evil that would overwhelm our lives, but if this is what it takes then let us do our best work. How are you Alice?

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